
Posts Tagged ‘weddings’

Let me explain.

No, there is too much. Let me sum up. πŸ˜‰

The past few months have been busy with work, weddings, and assorted “stuff.” Add a hefty dose of procrastination, and, well, here we are. I’m not quite even sure where to start at this point.

Work-wise, things are still going well. This summer was pretty busy, as I expected, but nothing overwhelming. I have to say, it’s nice to have a boss and co-workers who don’t freak out over everything. Looking back, we made and processed a ton of nougat (lots of huge orders for the rest stop, plus quite a few tourists coming through), but we always managed to get everything done without anyone having a meltdown. I was still pretty pooped at the end of the day, but nothing compared to when I was at The Big Nougat Factory That Shall Not Be Named. Things have slowed down a bit since September, but Christmas season is approaching fast, and we’ve already started on the nougat logs (they’re fun to eat, but a pain to make). At least I’ll get a break after Christmas.

As far as the critters go, I unfortunately have some sad news: we had to put Twilight to sleep back in July. Her arthritis had gotten really bad and the pain just wasn’t manageable anymore. Needless to say, it’s been a little rough on everyone. 😦 Lucy had a pretty bad bout of anxiety for a couple of weeks afterwards. It didn’t help that just a few days after Twilight passed we all went away for the weekend to attend a wedding. Lucy stuck to me like glue for days after we got back. She’s doing better now, but she is definitely a lot cuddlier than she used to be, even with the others. Before, I was pretty much the only one she’d snuggle with, and even then only occasionally. Now she wants cuddles at least once a day, and she’ll even ask other people for petting.

Blue is still as energetic as ever, though she’s certainly settled down quite a bit lately. She still has the occasional spazzy moment, but overall she’s much more focused. We mostly worked on jumping over the summer, and both Fred and Lucie have been very pleased with her progress. For the last month or so we’ve been focusing on dressage, which is what she’s had the most trouble with, and miracle of all miracles, she’s been improving significantly there as well. I might finally be able to do eventing with her this year! In the meantime, I’ll just enjoy the little victories. πŸ™‚

In other news, there were two weddings this summer: Thomas and Melodie got married in July, and Olivier and Sissi in August. Both weddings were accompanied by lots of rain, which was mildly inconvenient, but supposedly it’s good luck. In any case, everything went well, everybody was happy, and I got lots of good pictures, so yay. πŸ™‚ That said, I hope the next wedding I go to doesn’t last until the wee hours of the morning. I was kind of a zombie after those two.

Sandrine was here for 3 months before heading over to Wales, where she plans to settle permanently. *sniff* My little sister is all grown up and leaving the nest. Okay, she was already pretty much gone with those 5 years in the States, but this is the Big Move. Naturally, this has been a mixture of exciting and mildly terrifying. But mostly exciting (I hope).

Oh, and guess what? I HAVE A NEW CAR!!! πŸ˜€ I finally saved up enough to buy a very nice (slightly) used car at the start of the summer, and here she is. Folks, meet Lizzie!

20160708_110356bThis car is a real blessing, let me tell you. For one thing, IT HAS AIR CONDITIONING. You never appreciate stuff like that until you have to go 7 years without. Driving in the summer suddenly got a lot nicer. Particularly when we went to the beach one day and got stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic on the way back.

Anyway, that’s pretty much what’s been happening lately. Pictures to follow at a somewhat more civilized hour. Right now, sleep beckons. Good night/morning/whatever…

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July Pictures

Pics from Elia and Emmanuel’s wedding:

Here comes the bride

Elia saying her vows

Emmanuel saying his vows


Exchanging rings

The newlyweds! πŸ™‚

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Apparently I do. πŸ˜›

Anyway, the past couple of weeks have been pretty quiet. Well, if you don’t count yesterday and the week I spent back at the nougat factory.

Yesterday I went a friend’s wedding, which was pretty awesome. I’m a huge sucker for romance, particularly when it involves my friends, and this wedding was the epitome of romantic, in my opinion. I will readily admit to getting rather teary-eyed when they exchanged their vows. Besides being beyond adorable, the two of them clearly took the time to get to know each other and let their relationship mature before taking the plunge, so to speak. And most importantly, they’ve made God the focal point of the relationship. I’d say their marriage is off to a great start. πŸ™‚

In other news, I’ve been following the Women’s World Cup for the past couple of weeks, and I have to say I’ve been enjoying it more than the men’s World Cup last year. For one thing, the French ladies played much better – even made it to the semifinals. This was a huge boost for French women’s soccer; at least, I hope so. I’m a tad disappointed they didn’t make it to theΒ  final, but considering that this was only their second World Cup and that in 2003 they didn’t even make it past the group stage, I’m more proud than anything. And USA is in the final, so I can’t complain too much. (Speaking of which, I better wrap this up quickly;Β  the game starts in 20 minutes.)

Not much to say about my week at the nougat factory, except I learned to always make sure that when I bring a lock for my locker, I also bring the matching key. Otherwise I have to track down one of the maintenance guys to cut the lock. Oops… πŸ˜›

Other recently learned lessons include:
– Always bring a pair of tennis shoes to the barn. You never know when someone is going to organize a bareback trail ride down the river, and your boots will thank you.

– Never drink iced tea while watching a 2-hour movie unless you can pause it.

– Hot leather car seat covers and shorts don’t mix.

Other item of note: got Peter Furler’s solo album the other day, and it is excellent. Honestly, I originally bought it because I’m a Newsboys fan and I was mildly curious to see (or hear, rather) what Peter’s come up with since leaving the band. I was kind of expecting it to be fairly Newsboys-ish, musically, so I was (pleasantly) surprised to find that it’s not. He was really doing his own thing with this album. Lyrically, some amazing stuff (not that I was expecting any different). This is definitely going to be in heavy rotation for a good while. πŸ™‚

OK, end of shameless plug. Off to watch soccer now…

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